Leighton State Bank employees, along with President & CEO Steve Fopma and Board Member Dan Gleason, attended last month’s Leighton City Council meeting to present a $10,000 donation towards community center enhancements. The donation will complement a $20,000 grant received from the Mahaska County Community Foundation.
Although the population of Leighton stands at 181 residents, the community welcomes more than 5,000 guests for their 4th of July celebration. The enhancement of the community center will add a 27′ x 14′ gabled patio roof off of the south side of the structure, and the outdoor area will provide additional space for the Leighton Stivers 4-H group to host a food stand during the annual event.
The Leighton Community Center is also a hub of activity throughout the calendar year, hosting 99 meetings in the past 12 months, including council meetings, coffee groups, and adult education workshops. LSB is proud to support the objectives of the outdoor construction project: community betterment, youth development, and adult education.
“Leighton State Bank has been privileged to support and help with the development of the Leighton Community Center for many years. In recent years, we have been excited to join in further enhancement of the center by providing both monetary support and volunteer support as various improvements to the center have been accomplished,” said Steve Fopma.